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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2007
1196 Main Street Town Hall

Members Present:        D. Lindberg, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio

Members Absent:          C. Stanovich, R. Ricker

Others Present:          Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

7:30 PM. PUBLIC HEARING, Site Plan/Special Permit Revocation of Approval and Extension of Time, Fafard Realty:  Tabled to December 11, 2007, due to lack of quorum.

Approval Not Required, 555 Manning Street, David Kaplan:  This property is located in an R-40 district.  76.88’ of frontage is being taken from an existing lot and added to conservation land.  The plan is entitled to endorsement.  W. Ritter motioned to approve as submitted.  C. Prager seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor.

Meeting Minutes:
May 8, 2007:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  A. Bonofiglio abstained.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

May 22, 2007:  W. Ritter motioned to approve with changes.  C. Prager seconded with changes.  A. Bonofiglio abstained.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

June 12, 2007:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  A. Bonofiglio abstained.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

August 14, 2007:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  A. Bonofiglio abstained.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

August 28, 2007:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  A. Bonofiglio abstained.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

September 25, 2007:  Tabled due to lack of quorum.

October 9, 2007:  Tabled due to lack of quorum.

October 23, 2007:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  O. Lies abstained.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

Holden Hills Lights:  C. Prager informed the Board that there have been a lot of complaints about the lights being too bright and distracting.  The light department said they only can disconnect every other light.  The fixtures won’t take a lower voltage bulb.  P. Harding will speak to the light dept. again about coming up with a better solution.

Deer Run Subdivision:  C. Prager commented on the danger of the huge pile of rocks on site.  P. Harding stated that there is nothing prohibited such.  It is believed that they will be crushing rock on site.  P. Harding will call GM Bergeron.

7:45 PM CONTINUATION PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN/SPECIAL PERMIT, Cardinal Realty Trust, 456 Main Street:  Bill Murray, Site Plan Consultants conducted a presentation to the Board.  P. Harding reviewed issues that need to be addressed.

The site distance on Zottoli Rd:  B. Murray said they can remove the maple trees.  
P. Harding stated that this needs to be put on the plans.
The rear of the building will take deliveries but the turning radius for trucks at the intersection of Zottoli Road and Main Street will be difficult, especially when combined with site distance restrictions.  B. Murray explained that trucks can’t get under the bridge, so they will not be turning right.

DPW issues:  The logs of the test probes for soil conditions have not been provided to DPW yet.  If the recharge/infiltration system does not work properly, overflows from the system will deposit into Zottoli Rd., which is unacceptable.

Parking spaces:  The applicant is 6 over the limit on parking spaces, and believes all will be

The applicant, Dominic Leroux, went to the abutters for their comments on the project.  They have no concerns.  B. Murray stated that this site does abut other commercial property.

O. Lies asked for clarification on the buffering, showing concern regarding the amount of asphalt, and asked the applicant to consider something else like grass pavers.  The applicant agreed to investigate using grass pavers for the outside parking spaces.

The submitted plans entitled ‘Temporary Easement Plan of Land 450 and 456 Main Street’ are not sufficient.  Easements are needed for two purposes, to access the proposed use from Jed’s Hardware parking lot, and the sewer and water connections from the Jed’s site to the proposed building.  All easements must be permanent to prevent access issues if ownership should change in the future.

D. Lindberg commented on paving and site issues, and asked if the gazebo and shed were to be removed.  B. Murray said they are only paving up to Jed’s parking lot, and repairing any areas that are in need.  There will be a sidewalk and crosswalk between the building and greenhouse property.

C. Prager asked for lighting clarification.

W. Ritter inquired about grandfathered lots in the commercial zone.

Other issues that need addressing are directional paint on the pavement, fire chiefs comments, and clarification regarding adding another fire hydrant as opposed to moving one.  A ladder sign also needs to be added to the site plan.  The applicant agreed to have the changes to P. Harding by Monday, November 19th.

W. Ritter motioned to approve the applicants written request for an extension of time to continue the Public Hearing to November 27, 2007, with filing with the Town Clerk to December 4, 2007.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.  C. Prager asked to check on the handicapped parking, and W. Ritter requested additional striping on the plans for handicapped parking.

NEXT MEETING:  November 27, 2007, at 7:30 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:40 PM.

November 13, 2007 minutes approved:     January 8, 2008 

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary